Versiunea 1.32 - discutii/pareri

  • Autor subiect DeletedUser12000
  • Data de început
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Misto nu ? :>:>:>


Nahara, pune asta pe prima pagina:
- main new feature "Avatar Generator"

- "Achievments" will come
-- bigger and more comprehensive than the current medals
-- awards for item collections (e.g. all woolly hats)
-- rewards and probably a title for achievments

- Changes in duel system
-- system will be silghtly changed and not completely replaced
-- main focus on resistance player
-- formulas will be adapted
-- the "influence" of the wrong resistance (toughness-shooting, reflex-vigor) will reduced
-- one item will be adjusted which was to strong for duellist (not mentioned what)

- Fort shops - planned for 1.32 - will not come yet

- Item limitation will not come with 1.32 - but for sure sometimes
-- awards for collectors so limitation should not be that "hard"

- Quests
-- "Daylies" - quests which can be repeated daily/weekly
-- daylies will not be counted in the normal quest counter but in an extra statistic
-- "Mini-Fix" which allows to complete/repeat(?) seasonal quest

- Crafting
-- "simplification"
--- requirements for products will be lowered
--- some more recipts for beginners
Poti si sa traduci ca nu ma supar. :nesigur:


Cand se va uploada si serverul nostru ?¿
Ultima editare de un moderator:


Nahara, pune asta pe prima pagina:
- main new feature "Avatar Generator"

- "Achievments" will come
-- bigger and more comprehensive than the current medals
-- awards for item collections (e.g. all woolly hats)
-- rewards and probably a title for achievments

- Changes in duel system
-- system will be silghtly changed and not completely replaced
-- main focus on resistance player
-- formulas will be adapted
-- the "influence" of the wrong resistance (toughness-shooting, reflex-vigor) will reduced
-- one item will be adjusted which was to strong for duellist (not mentioned what)

- Fort shops - planned for 1.32 - will not come yet

- Item limitation will not come with 1.32 - but for sure sometimes
-- awards for collectors so limitation should not be that "hard"

- Quests
-- "Daylies" - quests which can be repeated daily/weekly
-- daylies will not be counted in the normal quest counter but in an extra statistic
-- "Mini-Fix" which allows to complete/repeat(?) seasonal quest

- Crafting
-- "simplification"
--- requirements for products will be lowered
--- some more recipts for beginners
Poti si sa traduci ca nu ma supar. :nesigur:

perfecta ideea :D


Daca sunteti caracter masculin in joc inseamna ca si poza care o alegeti trebuie sa fie de gen masculin ,daca e de gen feminin nu va faceti griji,apasati zarul de sub poza avatarului si pana gasiti un caracter feminin apasati:D(am cam narat putin) dupa ce atio terminat aveti grija C CA AVATARUL SA FIE PE PLACUL VOSTRU CA DUPA CE ATI SALVAT FARA PEPITE NU MAI PUTETI SCHIMBA
Ultima editare de un moderator:


A culoarea fetei nici cu pepite nu se mai poate schimba


avatarurile astea noi, in afara ca-s inutile, mai sunt si nasparlii:razz:
in schimb, pokerul pe ingamemoney deschide posibilitati interesante:whistle:, cu toate ca prevad mize meschine...:nesigur:


avatarurile astea noi, in afara ca-s inutile, mai sunt si nasparlii:razz:
in schimb, pokerul pe ingamemoney deschide posibilitati interesante:whistle:, cu toate ca prevad mize meschine...:nesigur:

bravo ma ... avatarurile :)) faci romana cu femeia de servici?


avatár s. n., pl. avatáre/avatáruri
Sursa: Ortografic

Cuvântul «servici» nu a fost găsit, dar am găsit următoarele cuvinte apropiate:
serici | service | serviciu

concluzie:femeia mea de serviciu e mai tare decat profesoara ta de romana:razz:


ma avatarurui se refera la :
AVATÁR s.n. (În religia indiană) Încarnare a ființelor divine în formă de om sau de animal. ♦ (Fig.) Transformare, metamorfoză. [Pl. -re, -ruri. (s.m.) -ri. / < fr. avatar].
Avatarele se refera la pozele de profil
E ca si in cazul virusi - virusuri
virusi-Programe computerizate
virusurile-microbii etc
Ai inteles?
Ma scuzi daca tu vorbeai de incarnarea fiintelor divine sub forma de om sau animal a zeiilor
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