Public beta The West

  • Autor subiect DeletedUser4834
  • Data de început


Astia care joaca pe lumea a doua de pe beta daca ii afisat tot ce se baga la update 1.30 rog sa imi dea si mie sa vad :D


asti-a care au cont pe beta si nu joaca as dori eu contul....sau care nu vor sa mai joace il vreau eu nui pentru mine ca eu am pentru un amic....cauta de ceva saptamani si i-am spus ca incerc eu sa ii gasesc nu conteaza LVL!!!!


Astia care joaca pe lumea a doua de pe beta daca ii afisat tot ce se baga la update 1.30 rog sa imi dea si mie sa vad :D

patrat uite aicia...

Version 1.3 - New stuff found when cleaning up the mess!

New Features
The item stacks in the inventory are gone for the sake of clarity: Per item type just one stack
Itemtype filter in inventory to ease finding items
New tutorials, deactivated old tutorials
You can travel now to ghost towns to fetch market bids
Alliance window: You can see towns, forts and player stats on one page for an alliance
New dueller bonus: Action radius - duellers may duel players without waytime within a certain radius
Player duels through the duel window: You can easily see now who you want to duel without searching through the map
Telegrams can be categorized
Telegram writing redesigned in look and feel
Item popup tells if the item can be sold on market
Market inventory shows only auctionable items
You can level up to 120 now
Hall of fame extended to collect records of other levels than just 99
Show bounty fee when making a bounty on someone

Recruits or higher grades can now chat in fort battle chats per default
You can't bid on your own market offers anymore
Soldier items can no longer be found (like the other character class items)
You can pay market bids from cash or bank account
Forts can be protected against takeovers by admins (for game mastered worlds)

Fort battle chat rights settings works now properly (only english folks haven't experienced any problems
Sorting in the market fixed
Maneuvers can be reopened via click on chatroom name of the maneuver
Market bidders can no longer be found out through technically measures
Report bb code works now regardless of report title
Multiple items can now put on the market as an offer
Chat shouldn't complain anymore that you don't have the rights to talk in your own town
Fortlist doesn't explode any more in case of too many forts
Townless characters do no longer come up with the idea that they still belong to a town when looking at the map
Cyrillic nicknames shouldn't be a problem in fortbattles anymore
many other smaller fixes


eu cred ca in noile orase care se fac nu o sa fie deocamdata pantalonii..daca va uitati in orasul lui are nici un prosus, la magazin/armurier/croitor


sper sa termin locuinte in seara asta si va chem, sper sa aduceti si bani:)


Pe beta1 e frumos,acum am jucat si eu,sunt in orasul Made in Romania,sunt mic deocamdata,dar imi place ca este o atmosfera foarte placuta.


acuma am terminat locuintele din orasul Romania..cine vrea,,sa vb cu tavykid


mai avem nevoie de un muncitor pur in orasul Romania pe lumea 2 sunt revoner, astept mesaje


va rog frumos cn joaca pe beta sa puna o poza cu un magazin cu pantaloni :D


maine fac oras pe beta, lumea 2..cine vrea sa vina sa scrie sunt muncitor, am 97 pct cosntrctie pt lvl astept


Se pare ca daca ai doua haine de acelasi fel se stivuiesc (sau cum puii mei se scrie) pe beta2
Am picat baston :X